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Arte Gioia

Arte Gioia
Joa Cardinali

Behind the Arte Gioia brand,
Joa Cardinali is an inspired artist.

The genesis

Very early on she became passionate about art in all its diversity, moving from one discipline to another and exploring the media in a self-taught manner. She tried her hand at Street Art, painting, sculpture, guitar, percussion, the Kalimba and the hang. She explored different mediums and their benefits in order to build herself and to face the obstacles that life has put in her path. She made it her profession and became an art therapist.

Nourished by travels, fascinated by the aesthetic innovation of Gaudi or the colors of South American primitive arts. Joa observes, works, seeks to better share simple and poetic emotions that resonate as a happy recognition towards nature and life. She likes to make bridges create openings and possibilities. A breath of life that she celebrates and sublimates at every opportunity.

to the workshop

Joa is an artist who is both contemporary and timeless,
simple and refined

Since 2017 she works around ceramic tiles that she places according to her inspirations on paintings, in the street, or sound objects

élément Culture, Values and Visions

Natural elements

On some pieces, natural elements are honored and presented with a poetic perception, both bright and positive

Elegant details

The details are elegant and finely worked these works carry a soft energy and full of life that we can perceive at all times


The pieces are rare and are signed with an engraved brass plate inlaid on the back


A particularly successful collaboration with 720 degrés around original creations mounted on skateboard boards reworked in marquetry comes to assert its approach


The signature is discreet, the thickness of the tile is always gold. These works will amaze you with their delicacy and beauty! Dare to choose the one that will make your interior shine

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